NS Room for bicycles project
Name of project
NS Room for bicycles project (Ruimte voor de Fiets)
Location and quantity
NS railway stations in the Netherlands
The NS has initiated a project called "Ruimte voor de fiets" (Room for bicycles), which is intended to improve bicycle storage facilities at railway stations. In total, the project involves approximately 150,000 roofed bicycle storage spaces, including 20,000 lockable bicycle boxes, which will be installed in phases during a period of approximately 6 years. Following a European tender, NS ProRail selected five companies which had each submitted their own design for this project.
Based on a number of criteria, such as styling, quality, functionality, costs and total project management, Armada received an order for implementation of the first phase of a design made by Kooijmans D-Sign in Eindhoven. Armada also stayed very much in the picture during the subsequent phases. After winning the contract for phase 4 (at the end of 2012), the remaining implementation work now lies totally in the hands of Armada Mobility.